Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Krystoffkrvstoffiston- a door as a substitute for two doors

Krystoffkrvstoffiston "A door as substitute for two doors"(0:00)dove deth minguscide(3:15)Rakeing the week(5:40)gvthyk ecstacy (7:00)anvyl midden(12:20)erthen echidnigh(15:00)sufficated ketoprak(17:50)pillar of foil, negation of smoke,stalygmightyer than the. Bunyip trax Cassette

First release from Krystoffkrvstoffiston (Simon Taylor and Christopher L G Hill), Bleak gray metal bordering on blackened (A)narcho drone noise at times, sun bleached southern horde hell bent on indiscriminate humancide. some copies (3 or 4)still available from World Food Books

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